When you need to fill an executive position, finding the right candidate quickly is essential. C-suite and other upper management vacancies can significantly hinder operations, making speed vital, but sacrificing quality in the name of speed also isn’t an option.
Often, the need to balance quickness with quality makes the process challenging, especially if you’re handling your own responsibilities at work. Fortunately, with the right executive search services, the process is easier. You’ll get timely results without sacrificing quality.
If you’re interested in executive search services, here’s what GoSource can do for you.
Comprehensive, Flat-Fee Executive Recruitment Services
As mentioned above, executive recruitment is often challenging and time-consuming for other company leaders. With GoSource, you can get a complete and affordable solution, allowing you to effectively outsource all of the complex parts of the process.
With our flat-fee option, you can predict the hiring cost associated with recruitment. Plus, you only pay if GoSource finds a suitable candidate based on your unique needs and preferences, so you aren’t charged unless we find you the right top talent.
This solution is also all-encompassing. It includes a broad selection of services, including job description writing, position advertising, candidate sourcing, resume reviewing, screening interviews, and more. As a result, candidates are only recommended if they are genuine matches for your open executive position, ensuring you don’t waste any time on applicants that don’t fit the bill.
Take Advantage of Unbundled Executive Search Services
In some cases, hiring managers are confident in their ability to handle specific parts of their executive search on their own but may benefit from assistance in particular areas. With GoSource, you can secure unbundled executive recruitment services for just this purpose.
GoSource can handle a specific part of your recruitment process to ease your overall burden. For example, if you’re overrun with resumes, a GoSource recruiter can screen them for you, separating the top talent from the rest of the applicants. If you don’t have time for initial screening interviews, GoSource can narrow down your options for in-depth interviews.
GoSource can also provide niche services for job description creation, reference checking, passive candidate sourcing, and more. You can pick and choose what you need, allowing you to curate the ideal recruitment solution based on your needs.
International Through Smartech Consulting
For international executive searches, GoSource’s international company, Smartech Consulting, can meet your needs. The team has ample experience sourcing international candidates in the technical arena, including candidates in Europe, South America, and South Africa who can fill critical remote roles. This solution is also customizable, ensuring it meets your needs precisely.
Ultimately, GoSource has the knowledge and expertise to handle any and all parts of your executive search. Plus, we have a reputation for providing quality candidates quickly, allowing you to shorten your time-to-hire while reducing costs, maintaining your productivity, and securing top-tier results.
Partner With Us Today!
If you’re ready to experience the difference firsthand, GoSource wants to hear from you. Contact us to learn more about our executive recruitment services today.