The Challenge
Due to COVID and its direct impact on this client, they had to ramp up and needed all employees to work seven days a week. This need turned off many initially interested candidates and caused the client to go far over their labor budget because of overtime pay.
The business experienced poor attendance on weekends, increased turnover, etc. To encourage a continued 7-day workweek for the foreseeable future, they began offering bonuses on some weekends, double OT on others, drawing for prizes on each shift on some. But these “solutions” only resulted in spending even more money with little return.
The Solution
We knew there was a large pool of candidates in the market that were currently employed but needing a part-time, second job in addition to their full-time Monday through Friday job. Our proposal was simple. Allow us to recruit two weekend teams. Each team would work every other weekend, giving them every other weekend off. Of course, if these individuals wanted to pick up a weekend shift they were not scheduled for, they could request to be called if needed.
Additionally, we proposed that all full-time employees have a chance to select to have their weekend shifts picked up by another employee. If they select this option, they forgo their Saturday and Sunday shifts but would be the first called in if they asked to be placed on the “call” list for the weekend.
For the weekend teams, since all hours were to be paid at regular and not overtime rates, and to make it more attractive in terms of net cash per weekend worked, those positions’ pay rates were increased by $1.50.
There was an immediate cost savings in labor of $6 per employee, per hour. In addition, no additional money was allocated to incentives, attendance improved by over 60% within the first six weeks, and the company gained (was able to recruit away) some employees as they enjoyed their position at the organization more than their full-time job.
They moved into a full-time position at this company, and we backfilled their weekend spots.