In a warehouse setting, safety is everything. During the winter months, new potential dangers present themselves with lower temperatures and slick surfaces. Spilled liquid quickly becomes ice in low temperatures. Warehouse machinery can be difficult to work within lower temps as well. So, how do you get your warehouse ready for winter? Here are some important safety tips to prepare your warehouse for the winter months.
1. Keep Walkways Clear
This one seems like a no-brainer. No matter what time of year it is, keep all of the walkways in the workplace clear. Doing this will help you prevent accidents on the job. In the winter, be cautious of black ice and built-up snow. You should shovel snow and salt ice regularly. Also, be sure to put up signage to alert people to the ice and danger. This will help them be more aware and avoid slipping and falling.
2. Wear the Proper Shoes
Require your staff to wear non-slip footwear. Even if you are vigilant, slippery services can take you by surprise. Having the proper shoes can help avoid more serious incidents on the job. Make the proper footwear available through your human resources department and have other safety gear available too. This can all help you avoid incidents on the job.
3. Be Dressed for the Weather
On top of footwear, employees also need to be dressed for the weather. It doesn’t have to be freezing for employees to suffer from hypothermia. In fact, it can happen at just 50 or 60 degrees. Warehouses aren’t known for being the best-insulated places. So, it is a good idea to encourage staff to wear warm clothing. This might include things like sweaters, jackets, scarves, gloves, and other seasonal wear. Be sure to also educate your staff about the signs of hypothermia, especially if it gets cold in your warehouse. Talk to them about how to avoid it and what to do if they notice signs.
4. Mark Hazardous Areas
As mentioned above, signage can help alert people to danger and decrease the risk of injury. Be sure to mark hazardous areas in the workplace and make your employees aware of danger spots. Utilize barricades where necessary to block off certain areas entirely. During the winter months, marking hazardous areas can alert others to icy spots or spilled liquid that has the potential to become icy.
5. Watch Your Step
Overall, it is a good idea to keep an eye out when moving around the warehouse. Emphasize safety and safety training with your team. Alert them to the new safety threats during the winter and educate them on how to avoid them. For example, if a surface appears to be slippery or icy, don’t proceed with heavy loads through the area. Travel with lighter items to reduce your risk of falling.
We Can Help You Prepare for Winter
Part of being equipped for the winter is having the right staff on your side. The professional recruiters at GoSource can assist you in finding candidates to help fill in the gaps on your team. Learn more about how we can help.